View provides top-notch field-level security by restricting access to specific fields and records in System i (AS/400) databases.
View ensures state-of-the-art, field-level security that restricts access to specific fields and records in System i databases without recompiling existing user programs. This innovative, patent-pending solution guarantees bulletproof control of your company's private information.
View Java GUI
OS/400 security and other third-party solutions provide protection at the object level only. But View is unique. It lets systems administrators create rules that define which users are authorized to view or modify the contents of individual fields in a database. If a user does not possess the proper credentials, he cannot see or modify the data in a protected field, but can continue to work with data in unprotected fields.
The smooth, non-technical interface and quick, concise movement between tasks keep user time down to a minimum. View lets you set your parameters and get back to work, with no time wasted.
Why worry about prying eyes? Unauthorized access to sensitive data has serious ramifications, including identity theft, stolen credit records, or email address harvesting. But not with View! With View+++, you control WHO sees WHAT and WHEN.
The software is available for a FREE Proof of Concept evaluation, for more details email [email protected] or call +61-3 9572-5869