With the increasing awareness of industry-wide regulations, such as SOX, HIPAA and PCI, auditing and traceability have become issues of major importance. PTF Tracker is specifically dedicated to the automatical monitoring of PTFs and comprehensively logging the changes to the most important production library - the operating system itself at both the source and object levels. PTFs can be applied temporarily and then removed, so it is extremely important to be able to know the status of a PTF at any given time. No manual intervention is required.
A complimentary product to Change Tracker, PTF Tracker is based on the QAUDJRN system journal, providing a robust and "fool-proof" solution cannot be bypassed. Working in real-time, it can automatically record the current status of each PTF in the system (PTF ID, Licensed product, Release level) and the objects installed by the PTF (name, type, modules). At the same time, it can collect all information relevant to the modifications made, including object attributes, source code, changes to file structures and more!
All data can easily be classified into site-specific Projects such as "Upgrading to TR5". Besides interactive interrogation, PTF Tracker incorporates many built-in yet customizable reports, as well as an internal report generator which enables standard reporting as well as e-mailed HTML, PDF and CSV output.
Multi-LPAR / Multi-Site organizations can produce organization-wide reporting with the addition of the Central Administration product, helping system administrators and IT management more comprehensively track the status of PTFs.
The software is available for a FREE Proof of Concept evaluation, for more details email [email protected] or call +61-3-9572-5869