iSecurity Action
Real-Time Protective Actions for iSeries Security
iSecurity Action is an essential part of the IDS (Intrusion Detection System) that includes real-time alarms and protective response mechanisms for the iSeries server (System i or AS/400).
View Action Screens

Sending Action Messages

Sending Alert Messages
iSecurity Action Features
- Identification of security breaches and intrusions with automatic, immediate warning notifications to the relevant parties.
- Simple, intuitive mechanism for defining potential security breaches and critical system related events.
- Real-time alerts sent via e-mail, MSGQ, SMS, Syslog, Twitter, SNMP; alert messages can be event-specific, including replacement variables, or standard alert messages. For more SIEM solutions and partnerships information, see SIEM Solutions and Partnerships
- Alert messages can be event-specific, including replacement variables or standard alert messages.
- Activation of automatic, immediate responses to security events, Audit Log events, and computer status and operator messages.
- CL Script Generator which defines corrective responses, for example blocking suspected users, application activation or re-activation, changing file names, terminating user sessions, etc.
The software is available for a FREE Proof of Concept evaluation, for more details email [email protected] or call +61-3-9572-5869