System i Software

iSecurity GUI

User-Friendly Operation of iSecurity

iSecurity features an advanced Eclipse-based GUI interface for simple, intuitive operation of all the products' capabilities and features - even by personnel not familiar with System i operations, such as managers, auditors and Help Desk personnel.

Using Eclipse enables iSecurity to conform to worldwide GUI standards. Eclipse is known to be extremely efficient in Windows and has a native look and feel. Besides being supported by major companies worldwide (such as Adobe Systems), Eclipse is strongly supported by IBM, which has invested significant funding in Eclipse-based platforms.

iSecurity GUI Features

  • Full support of all green-screen functionality and all iSecurity products
  • Simultaneous views of multiple iSecurity screens and activities from multiple servers and LPARs
  • Advanced table support including multi-line select, sorting and rearranging columns, export table rows to HTML, XCL, PDF, CSV, ODS and more
  • Supports Visualizer Business Intelligence platform for instantaneous graphical analysis of log data
  • Reports and queries generated in background, can be stored on IFS and/or e-mailed as PDF, HTML, CSV files
  • Includes extensive Help facilities, including Index, Search, Bookmarks and Hyperlinks

The software is available for a FREE Proof of Concept evaluation, for more details email [email protected] or call +61-3-9572-5869